Saturday, January 11, 2020

It has been awhile since I blogged.  I'm feeling a little rusty.  I am currently enrolled in Family Relations at BYU-Idaho.  As part of the class, we have been encouraged to start a blog to share what we are learning.  I am excited to do this.  I have a HUGE extended family.  Each member in that family has unique experiences and is at different stages in life.  Having a spot where I can share what I've learned and get their feedback in return should be a lot of fun. If you are a stranger to me and mine, I hope we can strike up some good conversations through this avenue.  I hope you'll free to comment, but do so in a respectful and kind manner.  We are all doing the best we can to figure things out.


  1. Looks good Deidra. Looking forward to seeing more of your blog and more learning from each other. Love ya

  2. Yeah for blogging excited to hear what you have to say and to discuss.

  3. awesome, Deidre! Hope you have some fun discussion topics! looking forward to it!

  4. Excited to see what you have to share!

  5. You always had such awesome insights in relief society. I loved when you would comment in church. Thank you for always being willing to share. I’m going to miss our rexburg ward.

  6. Good luck with the launch of your new blog!

  7. How did you add our blogs to yours? I am trying to figure out how.


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